Event Emitters (Outputs)
Just as an anchor can emit a click event, and a form can emit a submit event, our custom components can emit events that we make up too.
For example, say we have a likes button. We might have it output a 'like' event and an 'unlike' event. It we have a rating star component, we might have it emit a 'rate' event. We might extend that event object to include the number of stars.
We need to do 3 things to make our component emit an event:
- Configure our component to emit the event.
- Create the event emitter in our component.
- Tell the event emitter to emit the event.
Let's do this now. We are going to create a like button. We click it and it emits a 'like' event.
1. Configure the component
First we need to add the 'liked' to our component decorator:
selector: "like",
events: ["liked"],
<a (click)="handleClick()">
This tells Angular that this component will emit a liked event. Notice also that the template is calling a function called handleClick() when we click it.
2. Create the EventEmitter
Next we need to create an attribute of our component object to manage the event. We do this in our class decorator:
constructor: function() {
var vm = this;
vm.liked = new ng.core.EventEmitter();
This will be an instance of ng.core.EventEmitter.
Emit the event
Finally we need to tell our class to emit the event. Let's extend our Class to handle a click event:
constructor: function() {
var vm = this;
vm.liked = new ng.core.EventEmitter();
vm.handleClick = => {
Putting it together
Here's the whole component:
var LikeButtonComponent = ng.core
selector: "like",
events: ["liked"],
<a (click)="handleClick()">
constructor: function() {
var vm = this;
vm.liked = new ng.core.EventEmitter();
vm.handleClick = function() {
Make use of the component
We can now make use of this component in a parent component, like so:
var AppComponent = ng.core
selector: "app",
directives: [LikeButtonComponent],
<like (liked)="handleLike()">Hello</like>
constructor: function() {
var vm = this;
this.handleLike = function() {
this.message = "Thanks for liking us"
Notice the like component is now able to emit a liked event, which we can handle.
Exercise - like counter
Extend the code above so that we can count the number of likes. When the like counter emits a like event, have the counter in the parent template increase by one.
A user can like as many times as they want to.
Harder Exercise - Upvoting users
Change the above into an upvote/downvote component. Upvoting emits an upvote event. Downvoting emits a downvote event.
Now add this to your User component. Bind to the upvote in the user, such that when we click upvote, the user's voteCount property is increased. Vice-versa for downvotes.
Appending data to events
We can return data from our EventEmitter, just by passing it as a parameter. We might like to return a JSON object:
name: 'davey',
age: 47
we can return an attribute of the component, or some made up data, even data that has been passed in from outside. Here's that in context:
var CatComponent = ng.core
selector: "like",
events: ["liked"],
<a (click)="handleClick()">
constructor: function() {
var vm = this;
vm.cat = {
name: 'davey',
age: 47
vm.liked = new ng.core.EventEmitter();
vm.handleClick = function() {
Integration Exercise - Select a user
Add a select button to the user component. Make it so that when I click the select button, an event fires and returns the user. Save this user on the parent component and display it nicely.
Bonus points
Create a component that displays the currently selected user. This will need to receive the user from the parent component as a property binding.