Component Based Hello World

Angular applications are built out of components. A component works like a brand new type of DOM node which we invent. It can have behaviour, it can emit events, it can have custom attributes, it holds its own state.

In this section we'll build the simplest possible "Hello World" component using regular ol' JavaScript.

The JavaScripts

First up we need some JavaScript. We currently need four files to make our simple app work. These are:

  1. angular2-polyfills.js
  2. Rx.umd.js
  3. angular2-all.umd.js
  4. app.js


Angular uses edge JavaScript, things like Reflect for example that are not available in any current browser. The polyfills script makes these features available.


Angular uses Observables for AJAX. Observables are like Promises, but with a much fuller API.


Angular 2 UMD - the Universal Module Definition version of Angular exposes the Angular internals on a glbal variable called ng. This means we don't need a module loader for our hello world which simplifies things a lot.

Module loaders are cool, and we will get to them, but not in a hello world.


Our code.

What is UMD?

UMD (as in angular-all.umd.js) stands for Universal Module Definition. It is a common specification for exposing variables. In this case, it creates the ng global for us.

We don't have to use it. We can explicitly import Angular components wherever they are required. More on this later.

HTML5 Skeleton

An HTML skeleton includes the necessary JavaScripts, then declared an app component.

Here's a skeleton HTML page for you to copy.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src='app/app.js'></script>
<app>Hello from the HTML</app>

What is that <app> tag?

The <app> tag is going to be a component. We will create a component that matches that tag, and add behaviour and a template to it.

The JavaScript

Now we need to create our app component. In app.js, include the following:

// First define the component. I'm just whopping it in a global variable here.
// Globals are uncool, but this is fine for our simple hello world.
var AppComponent = ng.core
selector: 'app', // Look for the <app> element in the HTML
template: '<p>Hello World!</p>' // Insert this template
constructor: function() {} // An empty constructor

Now we have a component to match the <app> tag


In Angular 1 we could bootstrap an application automatically using the ng-app directive. In Angular 2 we must manually bootstrap our app.

We wait till the DOM is loaded, then we call ng.platform.browser.bootstrap to initialise the application.

// Wait till the DOM is loaded, them Bootstrap the component.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

You can see this in action here:

Exercise - Mucking about with code

As coders we learn best by getting our hands dirty, by tinkering. Let's get tinkering.

Fork this pen (click the fork button at the top).

  1. Now improve on this template a little. Change the p into an h1.
  2. Make it say goodbye world.
  3. Change the html selector from app to monsier-moreau. Update the HTML as well. Make it work.

Exercise - Looking at errors

Angular 1 would often fail silently on error. Angular 2 is great at error handling. Let's make some mistakes.

Codepen has a console button at the bottom. Click it to see the errors. Scroll down until you see something meaningful.

  1. Break the template. Change it to this: <p>Hello World!</>
  2. Break the selector. Change it to 'abc123', but don't update the html.

Angular 2 is much more strict. It will not try to make everything right for you, and will fail loudly and explicitly, which is generally what we developers like.

Exercise - Make your own

The goal of this exercise is just to get something working for real.

Break out of the pen. Make your own variation of the hello world app in an editor. Use the HTML skeleton above.

Save it in a folder and view it in a browser.

You don't need to have a server running or anything special, just open the HTML file in the browser as a file.

If you run into errors, open the console, view them and fix them.

Exercise - Visual Studio

If you need to develop in Visual Studio, you may have a bit of a culture shock when you start using Angular. We use static HTML templates and compile in the browser using JavaScript. The role of the server is dramatically reduced.

Visual Studio 2015 has excellent support for Angular. MS TypeScript is the language of Angular 2, and VS 2015 has Gulp and Node built right into it.

You may however have to adjust your thinking just a little bit, and you will have rather more hoops to jump through.

Creating the Project

  1. First create a new project.
  2. From Templates, create an ASP.Net Web Application.
  3. Choose Empty to create a completely empty application. We won't be using any of the features of .Net in our front end application.

Create the HTML file

  1. Right click your new application, add new item, and create an html file. Call it index.html. This is our template.
  2. Insert a little bit of text inside it.
  3. Now right click the file and open in browser. See the text?
  4. Alt tab back to Visual Studio and make a change to the text.
  5. Now alt tab back to your web browser. Press refresh. See the change you made?

Getting Angular

We have 3 choices here.

  1. We can use NuGet to install Angular.
  2. We can simply download Angular into our Scripts folder and link to it.
  3. We can link to the Angular CDN, as show in the hello world example above.

If you use Nuget

At time of writing there was not a viable Nuget package for Angular 2. If you choose to use NuGet, make sure you get the UMD version, i.e. angular2-all.umd.js

  1. Right click the project in the solution explorer and choose manage NuGet packages.
  2. Choose Angular 2 Core from the list. It will be installed into your Scripts folder.

Linking Angular

Now we need to link Angular. Because this is the front end we do this with a script tag right in the html.

<script src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>

Now Attempt the Hello World exercise.

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