Bound Variables

Any attributes of our component are available in the component template. These are plain old attributes of the component.

Bindings are live, so whenever an attribute of the component updates, the template will be updated to match.

Binding in Angular 1 vs. Angular 2

In Angular 1 we used a $scope object to pass variables to and from the front end. Anything we wrote to $scope would be available in the template. We could $watch $scope, and make things happen in response to changes. Bound variables were available in a $scope and any child $scopes.

In Angular 2, our components themselves hold our bind variables. We write to this in our constructor. Bound variables are only available to the current component, not child components.

We bind with curlies {{}}

We have a range of binding options in Angular 2, the simplest uses the curly brace syntax, like so:

<div>Hello {{dinosaurName}}</div>

Here's that in context:

var AppComponent = ng.core
selector: 'app',
template: '<h1>Hello {{dinosaurName}}</h1>'
constructor: function() {
this.dinosaurName = "Liopleurodon";
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

Including Expressions

We can include expressions in our curly braces, for example we can do maths or string concatenation.

<div>1 + 1 = {{1 + 1}}</div>
<div>{{"Hello " + "World"}}</div>

Exercise - seconds in a day

  • Create a micro app that simply outputs the number of seconds in a day.
  • Extend it to show you the number of weeks in a human lifetime of 80 years.

You can either generate these values in the component, or directly into the template.

Live binding

If we change the value of an attribute of the component in any asynchronous way we can think of, the template will also update.

This includes:

  • setTimeout
  • setInterval
  • Ajax load events

Here we change the value using setInterval. In this instance the template will update every 500ms with a new number.

This magic is achieved using a piece of kit called Zone.js which is integrated into Angular. If we open up setInterval in a console, we will find that it has been overridden with a custom setTimeout. This does the same thing, with the addition that it will fire an event that we can subscribe to.

var AppComponent = ng.core
selector: 'app',
template: '<h1>{{count}}</h1>'
constructor: function() {
var vm = this;
setInterval(function() {
vm.count ++;
}, 500);
this.count = 1;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

Exercise - A clock

Use setTimeout to build a little clock that shows the time of the day. You can make it as fancy as you like.

Create a clock component. In a timeout, set values for vm.hours, vm.minutes and vm.seconds.

Note that this can also be achieved using pipes. More on this later.

Calling Functions - Side effects

We can also call functions in a binding, but if we do this we need to be careful. Angular 2's change detection works in a single pass. If you call a function from the template that changes a value that is referred to elsewhere, you will end up with an inconsistent result, and Angular will throw an error.

Further Reading

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