Services & Factories

Services and Factories are objects Angular injectables that we use to create objects. They are very similar to one another and are often used interchangeably.

  • Service and factories both yield singleton objects.
  • Once created this object will persist and you will get the same object back each time you request it.
  • We can inject services and factories into controllers using DI.

A Service

We compose a service by giving Angular a newable function (one which writes to "this").

.service('helloService', function() {
this.sayHello = function() {

A Factory

A factory on the other hand composes an object and returns it:

.service('helloFactory', function() {
return {
sayHello: function() {

Making use of factories and services

Once we declare them, services and factories become injectable. Let's inject them into a controller:

.controller('myController', function(helloService, helloFactory) {

Services as API accessors

Services are often used as API accessors to take API code out of a controller and keep the controller focussed on $scope.

Here is a service that can talk to Github:

angular.module('app', [])
.service('github', function( $http ) {
var url = '';
this.getEvents = function () {
return $http.jsonp(url);

Further Reading

For more on the technical and conceptual differences between services and factories, read my Stack Overflow post here:

Flickr Service

We are going to refactor our Flickr exercise to use a service. If you didn't complete the Flickr exercise, you can download some sample code from here (look in the exercise section)

  1. Create a Flickr service, that encapsulates the AJAX logic needed to pull data from the Flickr API. Return the $http object so that we can apply callbacks. You can use the code above as a template.
  2. Return to your Flickr exercise. Inject the Flickr service into your controller and use this instead.

Further Exercise - Simple shopping cart service

  1. Create a service to manage a shopping cart. Give it a cart variable which holds an array of objects.
  2. Add an addToCart function to the service which pushes an item into the cart.
  3. Write a controller to display the cart. Inject the cart into your controller.
  4. In your controller, write a simple method on $scope which calls shoppingCart.addToCart.
  5. In your controller, create an attribute of $scope that holds the shoppingCart.cart.
  6. Write a view to render the cart.


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